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As of 3:00 pm on 2/12 adjustments to the athletic schedule are listed below:
Boys JV/Varsity Basketball @ Red Hook on 2/12 has been cancelled and rescheduled for 2/17
Modified Wrestling @ Ellenville on 2/12 has been cancelled and rescheduled for 2/18
Ticket Link for Wrestling Sectionals on Friday, February 14th
Ticket Link for Wrestling Sectionals on Saturday, February 15th
Ticket Link for Section IX Cheerleading Championship on Saturday, February 22nd
All practices take place after school.
A 4:10 pm bus may be provided to transport the student-athletes home.
Students must be cleared through the Health Office to be able to participate.
Mr. Bill Earl
Director of Athletics | Dean of Students
(845) 895-7150 ext. 7158
Mrs. Karoline Badner
Athletic Secretary
(845) 895-7158
Mr. Noah Hershfield
Athletic Department Intern
(845) 895-7158