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Initial Referral | Ages 3-5


The Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) is responsible for identifying preschool students with disabilities (ages 3-5) and arranging for the delivery of special education services to eligible students. A preschool student with a disability is one, who, as determined by an individual evaluation, exhibits a significant delay in one or more functional areas related to cognitive, language/communication, adaptive, social-emotional or motor development, which impacts the child's ability to learn. A broad range of related services and special education programs are available (through county-approved preschool service providers/agencies) to meet the educational needs of preschool students with disabilities. Preschool students with disabilities are entitled to receive such services in the least restrictive environment. 

If you have any concerns about your preschool child's development and are interested in obtaining an evaluation for preschool special education services, please contact the CPSE office and/or refer to the included links on this page for information regarding this process. 

 The child must be registered with the school district before the evaluation process can start.


Please CLICK HERE for the WCSD Preschool Registration Page