CDEP | Leadership
Comprehensive District Education Plan (CDEP)
The goal of all Wallkill Central School District educational planning is improved student achievement as defined by NYS standards and community expectations. Shared decision-making as outlined in Commissioner's Regulations 100.11 is a process for educational planning that includes participation from all District stakeholder groups. Through data analysis and a focus on results, building and district educational plans are developed, monitored and adjusted.
The Wallkill Central School District, through a shared decision-making process, has developed an ongoing, Comprehensive District Education Plan (CDEP) designed to improve student achievement. The CDEP Goal, established in 2005-2006 and continuing today, is to utilize data-driven instruction to improve student performance. The District CDEP Committee is composed of administrators, parents, teachers, support staff, Board of Education members and students. This committee meets several times during the school year.
Integral to the planning process are the School Improvement Teams (SIT) in each building. These teams meet frequently, determine the needs of the students in the building and develop action plans to address those needs consistent with District goals. Representatives of the building SITs serve on the district committee and communicate their plans. The strategies recommended by the CDEP Committee are presented to the Board of Education for approval and, if necessary, for funding.
Current building SIT plans are attached below for your review. If you have questions, please direct them to the building principal.
More information about Comprehensive District Education Planning in New York State is available at