Grade 7
Within their Schoology pages, teachers have embedded Nearpod and EdPuzzle lessons. In addition, teachers have review and assessment activities in their Schoology pages including Quizizz, Quizlet and Kahoot. Please encourage your child to log into Schoology and explore these activities.
SSO (Single Sign-on) Links to these resources appear along the left of the page, and a legend appears in the center.
McGraw-Hill Textbooks are accessed via Schoology
**BrainPOP | IXL Math | RAZ Kids | Vocabulary.Com
Grade 7 Math
MathBits Notebooks
NY Mathematics Applications and Concepts COURSE 3 (Digital Textbook – Grade 7 | Pearson Easybridge) Gain fluency and confidence in math! IXL helps students master essential skills at their own pace through fun and interactive questions, built in support, and motivating awards. a wide variety of math topics, from problem solving and mathematical art to real world math and thinking games. -Elementary/middle math challenges and games
Grade 7 ELA – educational videos and activities
/Page/1612 - digital webquests, grammar activities, intercative tours and more provided through the JGBMS Library Media Center website - author studies, book reviews, and literature-based activities
Grade 7 Social Studies
Discovering our Past: A History of the US (digital textbook) Online history network containing games, videos and worksheets on historical events
Grade 7 Science
Physical iScience (digital textbook – Grade 7) - free access for parents for science mini-lessons and activities science-based games and activities a robust library of multilevel informational texts, hands-on experiments, and other engaging science-based learning opportunities.