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Common Acronyms

Here are some common acronyms:

ACCES-VR- Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation

AT-Assistive Technology

BIP-Behavior Intervention Plan

CPS-Child Protective Services

CPSE-Committee on Preschool Special Education

CSE-Committee on Special Education

DSS- Department of Social Services

FBA-Functional Behavioral Assessment

IEP-Individual Education Plan

IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

OPWDD- Office of People With Developmental Disabilities

OT-Occupational Therapy

PBIS- Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports

PINS-Person in Need of Supervision

PPS-Pupil Personnel Services

PT-Physical Therapy

RTI-Response to Intervention

HEAP-Home Energy Assistance Program

504 – Section 504, 504 Accommodations Plan

SNAP- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SSI- Social Security Insurance

SSDI- Social Security Disability Insurance

TANF- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families