P.T.O By-Laws
Leptondale Elementary School PTO By-Laws
Article I
Name and Purpose
Section 1. Name . The organization shall be known as the Leptondale PTO.
Section 2. Purpose . The Leptondale PTO shall be an organization of volunteer members who work to:
•1.support the faculty and administration of Leptondale Elementary School in providing a comprehensive program of curricular, extra-curricular, and recreational activities for all students.
•2.establish an energy force for supplemental fundraising activities for funds that are not otherwise provided for in the school budget.
•3.assist in and promote open communication, understanding and cooperation between the administration, teachers and parents in support of the students.
Section 3. Type of Organization.
The Leptondale PTO shall be:
•1. non-profit, non-sectarian, non-commercial and non-partisan.
•2. organized exclusively for the charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article II
Section 1. Voting Members .
•1. All parents, guardians, and primary care givers, including those en loco parentis, of Leptondale Elementary School students.
•2. All certified teaching staff of Leptondale Elementary School.
Section 2. Non-voting Members.
•1. The principal of Leptondale Elementary School shall serve as a non-voting advisory/consultant member of the PTO. The principal shall be the primary liaison between the PTO and the Administration and Board of Education of the Wallkill School District .
•2. Other non-voting members may include community residents, organ-izations, institutions, and businesses, which agree to support the PTO and work under the authority of the PTO executive board and under all applicable policies and procedures of the Wallkill School District .
Section 3. Membership Restrictions.
•1.No individual PTO member or members shall derive financial gain from Leptondale PTO fundraising activities.
•2.PTO Members are barred from receiving monetary or other compensation for work performed in support of the Leptondale PTO and from receiving loans from the Leptondale PTO.
Section 4. Member Voting Rights.
•1.All members present may offer and vote on motions and nominations brought before the membership at monthly and committee meetings.
•2.Each member's vote counts equally for all votes.
Article III
Officers/Executive Board and Elections
Section 1. Officers Titles and Duties .
•1.President- presides at all meetings of the PTO and the Executive Board; with input from other officers and members, prepares and presents the agenda at PTO and Executive Board meetings; supervises the day to day administration of PTO business matters and activities; coordinates the activities of the officers; acts as liaison between the PTO and the principal, faculty, and staff of Leptondale Elementary School and reports to the membership at monthly meetings.
•2.Vice President- presides at meetings in the absence of the president; assists the president with the day-to-day administration of the PTO; serves as interim-president should the president not be able to fulfill the duties of office; and supervises the activities of standing committees.
•3.Secretary- takes the minutes at all PTO and Executive Board meetings; collects and maintains all permanent written records of the PTO; supervises the publication of the monthly newsletter, the information posted on the PTO web-site and all official correspondence; and presents the minutes at monthly PTO meetings.
•4.Treasurer- supervises all financial activities of the PTO; collects and disburses funds; keeps detailed up-to-date records of all financial transactions; makes all deposits to the PTO checking account; co-signs all checks with one other officer; provides a financial report to the membership at all monthly meetings; sets up and supervises procedures to account for funds raised by the PTO; and provides records for annual end of the year audit.
•5.Fundraiser- coordinates and supervises all fund raising activities sponsored by the PTO; assists committees and members with organizing, staffing, publicizing, running, record keeping and evaluating all sponsored fund raising activities; and investigates new ideas and available resources for future fund raising.
6.Sunshine-Check with school administration to learn special circumstances of staff and students to send appropriate card or gift, plan and execute staff appreciation events and 1 charity community fundraiser per school year, report on sunshine activities at PTO meetings and assist in the planning and execution of PTO functions as needed.
7.Incentive Programs- is responsible for distributing information and processing current incentive programs including but not limited to Boxtops for Education, Stop and Shop rewards, Target Reward Programs, Tyson A+ Rewards and Shoparoo, researching new programs to earn money for our school, report on community program activities at PTO meetings and assist in the planning and execution of PTO functions as needed.
Section 2. The Executive Board
•1.The Executive Board will be made up of the seven officers listed in Article III, Section 1.
•2.The Executive Board shall meet one-half (1/2) hour before each monthly meeting to set up the meeting agenda, hear committee reports, and discuss PTO business to be brought before the membership.
Section 3. Election of Officers and Terms of Office
•1.The term of office for all PTO officers is one year. Officers may serve up to seven (7) consecutive or non-consecutive terms.
•2.Only voting non-faculty PTO members may serve as officers.
•3.Nominations for officers will take place in April; voting will follow in May; and new officers will take office in June.
•4.Out going officers will be responsible to turn over all records and materials to new officers and to provide new officers with a brief end of
the year report by June 15th.
•5.A recall election to remove an elected officer will be scheduled if, on motion and vote, a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members present vote to schedule a recall election for the next monthly PTO meeting. The scheduled recall vote must be publicized at least two weeks prior to the actual recall vote taking place. A simple majority of those PTO members present at the recall vote will remove the officer.
•6.The Executive Board, by majority vote, may appoint members to vacant offices on an interim basis. Interim officers must be confirmed by a simple majority of members attending the next monthly meeting and will then serve out the remainder of the school year.
Article IV
Section 1. Accountability. The Leptondale PTO recognizes the need to record and document all financial activities involved in the raising and expenditure of funds by the organization and the need for complete and public disclosure of this information in a timely manner. Therefore, the following will govern the organizations financial operations:
•1. The treasurer shall keep detailed records of all funds raised and expended including receipts and signed certifications from all individuals collecting or handling funds for the Leptondale PTO.
•2. The treasurer of the Leptondale PTO shall present a financial report to the membership at each monthly meeting and shall be able to provide all financial records for inspection or audit within 30 days of a request from a simple majority vote of the Executive Board or by a simple majority vote of members at the regular monthly meeting.
•3. All expenditures by check must be signed by the treasurer and one other officer and must be documented by bills, receipts or written documentation of the expense and the payee. No cash will be expended unless approved by the Executive Board and proper receipts or documentation provided.
•4. All expenditures over $250.00 must be approved by an open, recorded, majority vote at the monthly PTO meeting except those expenditures involved in previously approved and/or continuing PTO activities, i.e., the school store, etc.
•5. A final report and all financial records and supporting documentation will be turned over to the elected Executive Board at the June PTO meeting or within 15 days of the June PTO meeting.
Section 2. Allocation of funds.
•1. The Executive Board, acting with the approval of the membership, shall establish a schedule of yearly fundraising events and allocate funds needed to operate these events.
•2. The Executive Board, acting with the approval of the membership, shall allocate funds for school activities, special projects, and for equipment and supplies. Requests for funds must be to the Executive Board in writing through PTO committees, from PTO members, or from the faculty and staff of Leptondale Elementary School (with approval of the school principal).
•3. The Executive Board, acting with the approval of the membership, may allocate annual funding per class, per grade or by a formula to be determined.
•4. A sunshine fund to provide funds for emergency response to special needs that arise within the Leptondale Community shall be established and a balance of $500.00 shall be maintained.
Article V
Section 1. Schedule and agenda.
1. There shall be a regularly scheduled monthly meeting, preceded by a
meeting of the Executive Board, held at Leptondale Elementary School at a
time and schedule to be determined at the first (September) regular meeting
of the school year. The elected Executive Board will set and announce the
date of the September meeting after taking office the preceding June.
2. The agenda for all meetings must include officer's reports, a treasurer's
report, old business, new business, committee reports, and open discussion
as time permits. The President, or Vice President in the President's absence,
will chair all monthly meetings and the executive committee meeting.
3. All voting at meetings on motions, nominations and elections requires a
quorum to be present and requires a second and a simple majority for
passage; except for votes to recall an officer or to amend the By-Laws which
require a two-thirds (2/3) majority for passage. All votes must be recorded
by the Secretary and included in the official meeting minutes.
Section 2. Quorum.
•1. A quorum for a scheduled monthly meeting shall consist of at least five
members of the Executive Board and at least 3 other voting members of the
PTO and may conduct business including voting on motions. A quorum for
an Executive Board meeting shall consist of any three officers.
•2. If a quorum is not present no official business may be conducted.
Article VI
Section 1. Amending the BY-Laws.
•1. By-Laws may be amended or repealed, and new By-Laws adapted by vote
of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of voting PTO members. Proposed amendments
must be announced at a monthly meeting and publicized at least one month
prior to the scheduled vote.
•2. By-Laws will be reviewed every three years by a committee appointed by
the Executive Board and approved by a simple majority of voting PTO
members. The By-Law review committee shall report its recommendations
to the membership for a vote within sixty (60) days of starting its review.
Adapted 4/2014