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Six-Week Schedule For Success

The Six-Week Schedule For Success

Week 1 – Select a topic – March 17 ***Applications due to the main office on/before Friday 3/21***

Research and choose a topic. Check out the Resources tab for great project ideas.

Remember a science fair project is a process you follow to find an answer to a question.

You are not just showing what you know about something.

Week 2 – Gather information – March 24

Gather information about your topic from books, magazines, websites, etc. Keep notes about where you found your information.

Week 3 – Scientific Method or KWL – March 31

State the purpose of your experiment – What are you trying to find out?

Select a variable (something you will change/vary) that will help you find your answer.

State your hypothesis – your guess about what the answer will be.

Decide on and describe how you will change the thing you selected.

Decide on and describe how you will measure your results.

Week 4 – Run experiment and record data – April 7

Complete the experiment as described above.

Keep notes in one place. Write down everything you can think of. You might need it later.

Week 5 – Graphs & charts/Construct a display – April 14

What happened? Answer that question, then put the results in graphs and charts.

It has to be neat, but does NOT have to be typed.

Make it fun, but be sure people can easily understand what you did.

Show that you used the scientific method or KWL.

Week 6 – Practice presentation – April 21

Tell the story of your project – tell what you did and how you did it.

Include notes that show where you gathered background information.

Practice explaining your project to someone. This will help you to be calm on science fair day.

The judges are very nice and will be interested in what you did and what you learned.

Wednesday, April 30 – Project drop off day

Drop off your project after school (3:00 – 3:30 pm) or in the evening (5:30 – 6:30 pm).

Thursday, May 1 - Science Fair Day

9 am – 1 pm Classrooms visit the Science Fair – students only

1 pm – 3 pm Project Judging – students only

6 pm – 7:30 pm Presentation of Awards – all are welcome!